
In this game, you play as Orpheus, a demigod blessed with extraordinary musical powers, but he has forgotten who is he and where he is currently after being brought back to life by none other than Jason, a prince venturing out on a quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece with the Argonauts to become the King of Iolcos. Since Jason is well aware of Orpheus's abilities because Orpheus had been aboard his ship as one of his Argonauts, he reteaches him his abilities until Orpheus slips off the boat once more and spirals into his memories of the past. With only one goal on his mind that is very clear to him, he must find his deceased wife, Eurydice. Will he be able to find her?

HTML Warning:

The HTML version has some audio issues due to a lack of an audio thread in Godot.

If you can, consider downloading a version for your operating system.



  • Marko Vujosevic
  • Samarth Rao

>Graphics & Sound

  • EpicSilverWolf
  • Christopher Medellin-Martinez


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